Provenance: In the field of geology, and the branch of geomorphology, the term “provenance” means the place of origin from which the constituent materials of sedimentary rock or facies are derived.
Provenance: In the field of geology, and the branch of geomorphology, the term “provenance” means the place of origin from which the constituent materials of sedimentary rock or facies are derived.
Asthenosphere Asthenosphere: The asthenosphere underlies the lithosphere. The Asthenosphere comprises the upper mantle, where isostatic adjustments are made, and where magma is generated. It is also in this part of the earth, where seismic waves strongly attenuate.
Gap-Graded The term “Gap-Graded” is used by geologists, engineers, and soil scientists in the geotechnical engineering field to describe the gradation of a soil sample, specifically when some particle sizes are missing. Aside from being “gap graded,” a soil sample can be described as “well-graded” (also referred to as poorly sorted), or “poorly graded” (or…
Biogenic Gas Biogenic Gas: In geology, biogenic gas refers to natural gas that is the byproduct of the microbial decomposition of biological and organic matter. For instance, methane soil gas on Earth is typically a biogenic gas resulting from the decomposition of organic soil zones, landfills, marshes, and swamplands. Alternatively, natural gas can be petrogenic…
Effective Stress (σ’) “Effective Stress” (σ’) is a geotechnical engineering term. Effective Stress is a function of “total stress,” and is due to the solid particles of soil. Effective stress represents an excess of stress above pore-water pressure (or neutral stress). Effective Stress Formula Effective Stress = Total Stress – Pore-Water Pressure.
Regression Regression: In geology, regression is the formation of a specific sequence of sedimentary and metamorphic layers, that are the result of ocean water withdrawing from the land. To illustrate, when regression occurs over millions of years, geologists find a layer of limestone, overlain by shale, and overlain again by limestone. The opposite of regression is…
Epicenter Epicenter: In the seismology branch of geology, an epicenter of an earthquake is the point on Earth’s surface that is directly above the focus (or hypocenter). It is the ground surface location overlying where an earthquake rupture originates within a dip-slip fault or strike-slip fault. Shortly after an earthquake, United States Geological Survey (USGS)…