Phase 1 Reliance Letter Cost & Price
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Phase 1 Reliance Letter Cost & Price

Phase 1 Reliance Letter Cost & Price A Phase 1 Reliance Letter cost can vary. However, typical prices for a Phase 1 ESA Reliance Letter range from $250 to $600. Moreover, prices for a Phase 1 ESA and Phase 2 ESA Reliance Letter together can range between $850 and $2,000. In addition to the time spent preparing…

De Minimis Condition in Phase 1 ESA Reports? 
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De Minimis Condition in Phase 1 ESA Reports? 

 De Minimis Condition in Phase 1 ESA Reports? A de minimis condition, as per the ASTM E1527 Standard for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment reports, is a property condition that doesn’t pose a threat to human health or the environment. Although this is a notable concern to document, it does not warrant further action or…

AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation
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AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation

AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 & Contaminated Soil Excavation Permit An AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 is the Air Quality Management District’s regulatory oversight procedure that applies to contaminated soil excavation projects in Southern California. The primary objective is to monitor contamination plumes in the air and soil, during soil removal and remediation efforts. In order…

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Cost
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Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Cost

What is the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Cost As of the year 2024 a typical Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment cost ranges between $1,900 and $3,200. The price depends on the property size, location, and turnaround time. Sometimes, Phase 1 ESA prices can be as high as $6,500. For instance, a 3,000-sqft typical commercial…

Re-Do Methane Testing: Can You Retest Methane Test of Soil?
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Re-Do Methane Testing: Can You Retest Methane Test of Soil?

Can You Retest a Methane Test of Soil? Is it worthwhile to get a retest methane test of soil: Generally Not. Sometimes a methane test will show high results of the hazardous soil gas on a property. And developers will try a retest methane test to get “favorable results.” Regardless, there is a general legal…