San Francisco Bay Area Property Condition Report Company Geo Forward
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San Francisco Bay Area Property Condition Report Company

San Francisco Bay Area Property Condition Report Company A San Francisco Bay Area Property Condition Report company requires structural engineers and building contractors in tune with Bay Area customs. The Geo Forward team has immense experience with local building departments, codes, and customs. Geo Forward PCA reports entail a tailored approach to structural and property…

Houston Property Condition Report Company - Photo by AAK Geo Forward
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Houston Property Condition Report Company

Houston Property Condition Report Company A Houston property condition report company provides a comprehensive inspection of buildings to inform stakeholders about issues and concerns. At a minimum, Houston Property Condition Assessments reference Texas building codes, the ASTM E2018 PCA Standards, and manufacturer recommendations for material and equipment lifetimes. Moreover, a PCA considers structural resistance against natural…

Los Angeles Property Condition Report Company - Photo by AAK Geo Forward
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Los Angeles Property Condition Report Company

Los Angeles Property Condition Report Company A Los Angeles property condition report company such as Geo Forward provides stakeholders with its expertise in building codes, materials, and engineering-construction principles. In essence, Geo Forward Property Condition Assessments (PCAs) serve as a guiding light for investors of existing structures. Updated April 17, 2024. Advantages of Los Angeles…

Houston Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Company - Photo by AAK Geo Forward
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Houston Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Company

Houston Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Company Geo Forward is a preferred Houston Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment company. The Texas team is dedicated to preserving the industrial progress of the greater Houston area, with environmental compliance and sustainability. With highly efficient methods and technology, Geo Forward produces cost-effective environmental data, productive solutions, and action…

Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)

Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)

Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) During a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment or Property Condition Assessment (PCA), buildings undergo visual evaluation for asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), and potential asbestos-containing materials (PACMs). Although it’s not a comprehensive asbestos survey report, the environmental professional can still inform users about the chances of any building materials containing asbestos. Asbestos Materials…

City of Long Beach Methane Gas Zone Mitigation
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City of Long Beach Methane Gas Zone Mitigation

City of Long Beach Methane Gas Zone Mitigation A City of Long Beach Methane Gas Zone represents areas with high levels of subsurface natural gas and methane soil gas. These areas present explosion hazards for buildings, due to biogenic and petrogenic gases of decomposing petroleum deposits, and landfills. As a result, the Building and Safety Bureau…

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Los Angeles, CA
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Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Los Angeles, CA

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) An Accessory Dwelling Unit, or ADU, is an additional residential building, that serves as a secondary living space on an existing residential property. The primary residential unit may be single-family, or multi-family, and the ADU may be attached to or detached from, the main building. The ADU must contain all the…

What to Know Before Methane Testing Los Angeles Photo By Geo Forward
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10 Things to Know Before Methane Testing in Los Angeles

What to Know Before a Los Angeles Methane Testing Report This post provides readers with 10 important things to consider before ordering a Los Angeles methane testing report. For more information about what methane testing is, please refer to Geo Forward’s “Official Methane Testing and Soil Gas Survey Page.” Updated August 7, 2024. 1) Confirm…

What is the Property Condition Assessment Process - Geo Forward
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What is the Property Condition Assessment Process?

What is the Property Condition Assessment Process? The property condition assessment process entails an expert’s evaluation of land development, as well as a report that simplifies its findings, conclusions, and estimated costs for repair. And because every property has a unique set of features, a custom checklist applies to each project. Nonetheless, the overall scope…

ASTM E1527-21 Standard for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Reports
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ASTM E1527-21 Standard for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment

ASTM E1527-21 Standard Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Quarter four of the year 2021 entails an update to the ASTM Standard for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment reports. The current ASTM standard for a Phase 1 ESA is “E1527-13.” Per a mandatory revision cycle, version E1527-21 proposes modern strategies to assess new and existing human…

City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards - Geo Forward
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City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards

City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards The City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards and Plans are a basic tool to help designers prepare a methane mitigation plan for small projects within Methane Zones. However, the standard plans alone aren’t enough to pass for a proper mitigation plan. For example, the standards lack material…

What is an ALTA Survey?
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What is an ALTA Survey?

What is an ALTA Survey? An ALTA Survey is a specialized Boundary Survey of a property that adheres to strict standards developed by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). An essential part of any legal ownership of land, the boundaries of a property must be properly and…

Vapor Barrier for Methane Mitigation Barrier Impervious Membrane
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Vapor Barrier Membrane for Soil Gas Mitigation

What is a Vapor Barrier Membrane for Soil Gas Mitigation? A vapor barrier, or a sub-slab vapor membrane, is a layer of protective material that prevents toxic vapor intrusion into buildings. An impervious vapor barrier can be a combination of plastic film, fabric, and sheets. And there are also roll-on and spray-on applications. Contractors usually install…

Soil Sampling and the use of Soil pH Test Strips
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Soil pH Test Strips

Soil pH Test Strips The pH of soil can be measured using a variety of different devices, or pH testers, which can quickly indicate to a user the pH of their soil. Soil ph test strips determine a numerical value indicating the acidity or alkalinity of soil. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14,…

Disposing Hazardous Waste & Household Waste Geo Forward 2
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Disposing Hazardous Waste & Household Waste

Disposing of Hazardous Waste & Household Waste It is common knowledge that certain items, like batteries, for example, should not be disposed of in the trash for general waste pick-up. And depending on where you live, it might be illegal to dispose of such items in this way. Fortunately, no matter where you live, every…

Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) Ambient Air Data
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Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA)

Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) A Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) evaluates the potential dangers to people where there may be some exposure to chemical contaminants in soil, groundwater, ambient air, or soil gas. Typically, the recommendation for an HHRA stems from the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment process. However, the awareness for indoor air…

Indoor Air Quality Testing via SUMMA Canister
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Indoor Air Quality Testing & Sampling

Indoor Air Quality Testing Indoor air quality testing involves collecting and containing samples of ambient air from inside a building and analyzing them to determine what chemicals may be affecting human health and safety. Sources of pollution may exist on- or off-site and can accumulate above- or below-ground. Indoor air quality testing is necessary at…

Phase 2 Environmental Recommendation from Phase 1 Environmental Report
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Phase 2 Environmental Recommendation from Phase 1 Environmental Report

Phase 2 Environmental Recommendation In some cases, there may be a Phase 2 Environmental recommendation for a property, resulting from a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment. Typically, this occurs when one or more Recognizable Environmental Conditions indicate the possibility of subsurface contamination. For instance, a property with an in-place underground storage tank (UST) can likely…

Methane Barrier Completion
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Methane Barrier for Soil Vapor Membrane

Methane Barrier for Soil Vapor Membrane A methane barrier is an impervious soil vapor membrane underlying building slabs and retaining walls. And it has the purpose of stopping subsurface methane soil gas from intruding inside structures. The overall goal is to protect the human occupants of buildings overlying methane soil gas pockets. For instance, petroleum…

What to Know about Methane Mitigation Construction

What to Know about Methane Mitigation Construction

10 Things to Know Before Methane Barrier Installation Methane barrier installation is part of the overall methane mitigation construction process. Methane barrier construction in Los Angeles requires the use of specific materials with LADBS approval. Additionally, the applicator must have the proper certifications from the local building department and impervious vapor membrane manufacturers. In fact,…

What is a Remedial Action Plan?
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What is a Remedial Action Plan?

Remedial Action Plan A Remedial Action Plan, or Remediation Plan is a guideline that proposes a series of engineering and geological procedures, in order to feasibly perform contamination cleanup actions over a strategic period of time. When pollution exists on a property, at levels requiring cleanup, it is important to design the most appropriate course…

Remediation after Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
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Remediation after Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment

Remediation after Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Contamination Remediation refers to the process of cleaning up a property with contamination issues that are usually discovered during the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Phase 2 Subsurface Investigation process. Today, there are a variety of remediation methods and technologies to apply at a site. And…

How Long is a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment Good For?

How Long is a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment Good For?

How Long is a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment Good For? A Phase 1 Environmental Assessment is good for one year in most cases. However, expiration also depends on the purpose of the report, and events that take place on the property. For instance, changing industry standards, new environmental conditions, and the CERCLA statutes of limitations…

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process - Geo Forward
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What is the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process?

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment process comprises a rigorous review of a property’s history, along with a physical inspection of the current conditions. And the end result is a lengthy report that follows regulation standards. For the convenience of Clients, environmental consultants usually provide executive summaries at the…

Methane Mitigation System Plan Geo Forward
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What is the Methane Mitigation Process?

What is the Methane Mitigation Process? The methane mitigation process entails eliminating the risk of an explosive event at a building, as a result of hazardous soil vapor intrusion. Vapor intrusion is the natural process by which underground gasses migrate upwards and into buildings. So in the case of structures built atop contaminated soils, the…

LADBS Methane Soil Test Cost & Price - Photo by Geo Forward
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How Much Does an LADBS Methane Soil Test Cost?

LADBS Methane Soil Test Cost & Price An LADBS Methane Soil Test varies depending on property conditions and development plans. A methane test price ranges between $2,300 and $7,000. Updated January 17, 2024. Site-Specific Scope of Work Site-specific details and plans can change the scope of work and LADBS Methane Soil Test cost. Thus, a…

Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers
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Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers

Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers are comparative concentrations of chemicals in soil or soil-gas, which represent a threshold for human health concern. In a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment, these numbers are tools to compare directly with the contaminant detection on site. As a result, a practical risk assessment…

What is Landfill Methane Gas Testing?
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What is Landfill Methane Gas Testing?

Landfill Methane Gas Testing Landfill methane gas testing is the process by which professional geologists and engineers determine the concentration of landfill gas between soil grains underground. Usually, this is a requirement by environmental regulatory agencies and building departments for the protection of public health. In fact, quarterly landfill gas testing is a common regulation…

Environmental Professional Remediation - Geo Forward
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Environmental Professional Definition

Environmental Professional Definition Environmental Professional: As per the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiries Rule, an environmental professional is an environmental consultant that has an accredited education in earth or natural science, at least five years of formal training under another environmental professional, a professional state license, and maintains expert knowledge in the environmental geology, sustainability, and…

All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI)
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All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI)

All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) The term “All Appropriate Inquiries” (AAI) is defined as the official EPA and ASTM method to inquire about current or historical environmental conditions that may exist on a property, in relation to their legal and environmental liabilities during a commercial real estate transaction. The All Appropriate Inquiries “Final Rule” is 40 CFR…

Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC)
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Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC)

Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC) The term Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC) refers to a past release that doesn’t pose a present land-use restriction, nor does it warrant recommendations for clean-up. The HREC is one of the various conditions of a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment. The definition derives from publications by the American Society…

Recognized Environmental Condition - Hazardous Waste REC
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Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) Definition

Definition of Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) What is a Recognized Environmental Condition (REC)? A simplified definition of a recognized environmental condition (REC) is any occurrence whereby: 1). actual pollution of the environment is occurring; 2). the threat of pollution of the environment occurs; or 3). there is a preponderance of evidence suggesting possible pollution of…

Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition (CREC)
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Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition (CREC)

Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition (CREC) CREC stands for Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition. This terminology derives from a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and represents one of the few categories of environmental concerns. A CREC is a release that has potentially achieved corrective action, but where contaminants still may remain, and where engineering controls or activity use…

Is the Earth Around Millennium Tower Sinking

Is the Earth Around Millennium Tower Sinking

Is the Earth Around Millennium Tower Sinking? Is the earth around the Millennium Tower sinking? Built-in 2008, the Millennium Tower in San Francisco has reportedly sunken about 17 inches into the ground surface. This subsidence is a consequence of improper geotechnical engineering design and potential changes in the hydrogeological setting. Moreover, surveyors indicate the structure is…

Los Angeles County Well Permit and Drilling Permit

Los Angeles County Well Permit and Drilling Permit

Los Angeles County Well Permit & Drilling Permit Per the Department of Public Health Drinking Water Program, a “Los Angeles County Well Permit and Drilling Permit” is mandatory for most environmental, geotechnical and hydro-geological projects in LA County. As of August 2018, LA County enforces stricter well permit guidelines. And the new standards require oversight for…

LADBS Methane Testing Agency Roster List

LADBS Methane Testing Agency Roster List

LADBS Methane Testing Agency Roster-List The LADBS Methane Testing Agency Roster-List is part of a larger alphabetical list of official companies that have certifications to work on behalf of the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS). The ongoing certification program is organized by the LADBS, and maintains compliance procedures and operating standards for…

What is an Environmental Questionnaire?

What is an Environmental Questionnaire?

Environmental Questionnaire Sample & Example An environmental questionnaire is a preliminary task in the environmental due diligence process by lenders and other information-seekers. The questionnaire screens the environmental hazards of a property undergoing any transaction. It consolidates the known facts of a property upfront, for a basic level of contamination and health risk presumption. Typically,…

Phase 1 Reliance Letter Cost & Price
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Phase 1 Reliance Letter Cost & Price

Phase 1 Reliance Letter Cost & Price A Phase 1 Reliance Letter cost can vary. However, typical prices for a Phase 1 ESA Reliance Letter range from $250 to $600. Moreover, prices for a Phase 1 ESA and Phase 2 ESA Reliance Letter together can range between $850 and $2,000. In addition to the time spent preparing…

De Minimis Condition
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De Minimis Condition in Phase 1 ESA Reports? 

 De Minimis Condition in Phase 1 ESA Reports? A de minimis condition, as per the ASTM E1527 Standard for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment reports, is a property condition that doesn’t pose a threat to human health or the environment. Although this is a notable concern to document, it does not warrant further action or…

AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation
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AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation

AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 & Contaminated Soil Excavation Permit An AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 is the Air Quality Management District’s regulatory oversight procedure that applies to contaminated soil excavation projects in Southern California. The primary objective is to monitor contamination plumes in the air and soil, during soil removal and remediation efforts. In order…

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Cost - Geo Forward
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Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Cost

What is the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Cost As of the year 2024 a typical Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment cost ranges between $1,900 and $3,200. The price depends on the property size, location, and turnaround time. Sometimes, Phase 1 ESA prices can be as high as $6,500. For instance, a 3,000-sqft typical commercial…

Re-Do Methane Testing: Can You Retest Methane Test of Soil?
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Re-Do Methane Testing: Can You Retest Methane Test of Soil?

Can You Retest a Methane Test of Soil? Is it worthwhile to get a retest methane test of soil: Generally Not. Sometimes a methane test will show high results of the hazardous soil gas on a property. And developers will try a retest methane test to get “favorable results.” Regardless, there is a general legal…

Vapor Intrusion Mitigation and Soil Vapor Testing
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Vapor Intrusion & Soil Vapor Testing

Vapor Intrusion & Soil Vapor Testing A vapor intrusion investigation entails the study of toxic soil gases that migrate through the subsurface and into the living spaces of structures aboveground. Geologists perform soil vapor tests to evaluate the presence of vapor-phase contamination underground. Additionally, the chemical content of the vapor samples is examined for toxicity…

Southern California Methane Testing and the Oil Industry Geo Forward
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Southern California Methane Testing & The Oil Industry

Southern California Methane Testing In Southern California, methane testing is a modern necessity due to the land’s rich history of petroleum extraction and natural oil deposits. The testing process comprises the geological evaluation of subsurface conditions as well as the sampling of subsurface natural gas pockets for hazard assessment purposes. A team of professional geologists…

Dry Cleaner Soil Contamination Remediation

Dry Cleaner Soil Contamination

Dry Cleaner Soil Contamination Dry cleaner soil contamination issues are no mystery to commercial property owners and investors. Even when landlords trust their dry cleaning tenants to run a clean shop, the process remains stressful. For instance, soil contamination cleanup can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Additionally, time and development opportunities may be impacted….

Reporting the Results of Environmental Due Diligence Investigation
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Reporting the Results of Environmental Due Diligence Investigation

Reporting Results of Environmental Due Diligence Investigation “Are there requirements for reporting results of an Environmental Due Diligence Investigation to the government?” Each case is different. The answer is generally “no,” because ESA reports are typically proprietary. However, if there is any trace of danger or impact on the public’s health or well-being (in any…

Dry Cleaner Soil Testing by Drilling

Dry Cleaner Soil Testing

Dry Cleaner Soil Testing Dry cleaner soil testing is an environmental engineering and geology service that aims to determine the presence of chemical contamination to the subsurface, resulting from dry cleaning operations. The primary contaminant of concern during dry cleaner soil testing is tetrachloroethylene (PCE), as well as its break-down products. PCE is a manufactured volatile…

What is a Brownfield Site and Brownfields?

What is a Brownfield Site and Brownfields?

What is a Brownfield Site (Brownfields)? A Brownfield site is real property with plans for redevelopment, that has the potential presence of pollution and subsurface hazardous substance contamination. And the Brownfields Revitalization and Environmental Restoration Act of 2001 (also known as the Brownfields Act) encourages environmental remediation when and where necessary. The act is a…

Phase ii Environmental Sampling Geo Forward
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Price of Phase II Environmental Site Assessment & Phase II ESA Cost

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Cost The price of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment can vary, depending on the aspects of a property. The Phase II Environmental Site Assessment cost is typically between $5,800 and $12,000 (for a standard commercial lot). Sometimes, Phase 2 ESAs can cost as much as $25,000. Clients seeking the…

Superfund: CERCLA Innocent Landowner Defense
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Superfund: CERCLA Innocent Landowner Defense

Superfund: CERCLA Innocent Landowner Defense Superfund is CERCLA which is an acronym for the “Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.” The CERCLA Innocent Landowner Defense policy was passed on December 11 in 1980, following the realization that historical hazardous waste disposal and materials handling practices were grossly negligent. The law grants Federal authorities to…

What is a Phase II ESA in Real Estate Due Diligence?
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What is a Phase II ESA in Real Estate Due Diligence?

What is a Phase II ESA in Real Estate Due Diligence? The term “Phase II ESA” is short for Phase II Subsurface Investigation. It is an environmental due diligence report that typically follows the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment process when recognized environmental conditions are apparent. During the commercial real estate due diligence period, this…