Rigidity Definition
Rigidity – In geotechnical engineering and engineering geology, rigidity represents the ratio of the shear stress and the amount of angular rotation that it produces, within a rock sample.
Rigidity – In geotechnical engineering and engineering geology, rigidity represents the ratio of the shear stress and the amount of angular rotation that it produces, within a rock sample.
Igneous Rock Definition In the field of geology, the term “Igneous Rock” refers to one of the three major classifications of rock that comprises the earth. As opposed to sedimentary rocks or metamorphic rocks, igneous rock derives from the direct cooling and solidification of magmatic material. Igneous rock comprises a large amount of the planet…
Reverse Fault Reverse Fault: In the field of geology, a reverse fault is a dip-slip fault in which the hanging wall moves upwards, relative to the footwall. The average dipping angle of a reverse fault ranges from 45 to 90 degrees. However, if less than 45 degrees, it becomes a “thrust fault.” Reverse faults are…
Regression Regression: In geology, regression is the formation of a specific sequence of sedimentary and metamorphic layers, that are the result of ocean water withdrawing from the land. To illustrate, when regression occurs over millions of years, geologists find a layer of limestone, overlain by shale, and overlain again by limestone. The opposite of regression is…
Volcanology Volcanology: Volcanology is a branch of geology that focuses on the study of volcanos. In volcanology, geologists conduct field and laboratory investigations to learn about continental, coastal, and submarine volcanic activities. In fact, volcanology ties into many other branches of geology. For instance, a volcanologist may study the geochemistry of igneous rocks, such as…
Runoff (R) The term “Runoff” (R) in hydrogeology and geology refers to the part of rainfall which accumulates on the ground surface and naturally forms into flowing streams.
Facies Facies: In the field of geology, the term “facies” represents a mappable, areally restricted part of a rock body that has different fossils or lithology from other contiguous beds deposited at the same time.