Geothermal Energy 
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Geothermal Energy 

Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy involves harnessing natural volcanic heat within the Earth’s crust and converting it to electricity aboveground. The “heat beneath our feet” comes from groundwater aquifer systems that flow near molten rock. And the high-temperature groundwater runs through a series of expansion tanks and power turbines to generate electricity. Updated June 3, 2023….

Environmental Consultant

Environmental Consultant

Environmental Consultant Environmental Consultant: An environmental consultant is an expert of any profession or field, who focuses their skills and knowledge towards matters that improve the environment. Environmental consultants are typically scientists with expertise in geology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Environmental Consultants Working Towards Environmental Sustainability Environmental consultants generally provide professional services that aim towards…

Environmental Professional Remediation - Geo Forward
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Environmental Professional Definition

Environmental Professional Definition Environmental Professional: As per the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiries Rule, an environmental professional is an environmental consultant that has an accredited education in earth or natural science, at least five years of formal training under another environmental professional, a professional state license, and maintains expert knowledge in the environmental geology, sustainability, and…