ASTM E1527-21 Standard for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Reports
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ASTM E1527-21 Standard for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment

ASTM E1527-21 Standard Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Quarter four of the year 2021 entails an update to the ASTM Standard for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment reports. The current ASTM standard for a Phase 1 ESA is “E1527-13.” Per a mandatory revision cycle, version E1527-21 proposes modern strategies to assess new and existing human…

Phase 2 Environmental Recommendation from Phase 1 Environmental Report
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Phase 2 Environmental Recommendation from Phase 1 Environmental Report

Phase 2 Environmental Recommendation In some cases, there may be a Phase 2 Environmental recommendation for a property, resulting from a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment. Typically, this occurs when one or more Recognizable Environmental Conditions indicate the possibility of subsurface contamination. For instance, a property with an in-place underground storage tank (UST) can likely…

What is a Remedial Action Plan?
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What is a Remedial Action Plan?

Remedial Action Plan A Remedial Action Plan, or Remediation Plan is a guideline that proposes a series of engineering and geological procedures, in order to feasibly perform contamination cleanup actions over a strategic period of time. When pollution exists on a property, at levels requiring cleanup, it is important to design the most appropriate course…

Remediation after Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
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Remediation after Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment

Remediation after Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Contamination Remediation refers to the process of cleaning up a property with contamination issues that are usually discovered during the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Phase 2 Subsurface Investigation process. Today, there are a variety of remediation methods and technologies to apply at a site. And…

Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers
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Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers

Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers are comparative concentrations of chemicals in soil or soil-gas, which represent a threshold for human health concern. In a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment, these numbers are tools to compare directly with the contaminant detection on site. As a result, a practical risk assessment…

Environmental Professional Remediation - Geo Forward
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Environmental Professional Definition

Environmental Professional Definition Environmental Professional: As per the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiries Rule, an environmental professional is an environmental consultant that has an accredited education in earth or natural science, at least five years of formal training under another environmental professional, a professional state license, and maintains expert knowledge in the environmental geology, sustainability, and…

AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation
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AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation

AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 & Contaminated Soil Excavation Permit An AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 is the Air Quality Management District’s regulatory oversight procedure that applies to contaminated soil excavation projects in Southern California. The primary objective is to monitor contamination plumes in the air and soil, during soil removal and remediation efforts. In order…

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Cost - Geo Forward
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Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Cost

What is the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Cost As of the year 2024 a typical Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment cost ranges between $1,900 and $3,200. The price depends on the property size, location, and turnaround time. Sometimes, Phase 1 ESA prices can be as high as $6,500. For instance, a 3,000-sqft typical commercial…

Dry Cleaner Soil Contamination Remediation

Dry Cleaner Soil Contamination

Dry Cleaner Soil Contamination Dry cleaner soil contamination issues are no mystery to commercial property owners and investors. Even when landlords trust their dry cleaning tenants to run a clean shop, the process remains stressful. For instance, soil contamination cleanup can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Additionally, time and development opportunities may be impacted….

Dry Cleaner Soil Testing by Drilling

Dry Cleaner Soil Testing

Dry Cleaner Soil Testing Dry cleaner soil testing is an environmental engineering and geology service that aims to determine the presence of chemical contamination to the subsurface, resulting from dry cleaning operations. The primary contaminant of concern during dry cleaner soil testing is tetrachloroethylene (PCE), as well as its break-down products. PCE is a manufactured volatile…

Superfund: CERCLA Innocent Landowner Defense
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Superfund: CERCLA Innocent Landowner Defense

Superfund: CERCLA Innocent Landowner Defense Superfund is CERCLA which is an acronym for the “Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.” The CERCLA Innocent Landowner Defense policy was passed on December 11 in 1980, following the realization that historical hazardous waste disposal and materials handling practices were grossly negligent. The law grants Federal authorities to…

What is a Phase II ESA in Real Estate Due Diligence?
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What is a Phase II ESA in Real Estate Due Diligence?

What is a Phase II ESA in Real Estate Due Diligence? The term “Phase II ESA” is short for Phase II Subsurface Investigation. It is an environmental due diligence report that typically follows the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment process when recognized environmental conditions are apparent. During the commercial real estate due diligence period, this…