

Epicenter Epicenter: In the seismology branch of geology, an epicenter of an earthquake is the point on Earth’s surface that is directly above the focus (or hypocenter). It is the ground surface location overlying where an earthquake rupture originates within a dip-slip fault or strike-slip fault. Shortly after an earthquake, United States Geological Survey (USGS)…

Focus (Hypocenter)

Focus (Hypocenter)

Focus (Hypocenter) Focus (Hypocenter): In the seismology branch of geology, a focus, or hypocenter, refers to the specific place where an earthquake rupture originates. The focus, or hypocenter, underlies the epicenter when an earthquake occurs at a dip-slip fault, strike-slip fault, oblique-slip fault, or listric fault. In the event of an earthquake, geologists, and seismologists…



Seismology Seismology: (seis·mol·o·gy) a branch of geology and geophysics that relates to earthquakes, including but not limited to their causes, effects, hazards, and mitigation techniques.  Seismologists at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) use cutting-edge technology to measure seismic wave properties and geological hazards that trigger them or are triggered by them. In turn, seismology…

Seismic Risk Definition

Seismic Risk Definition

Seismic Risk Definition Seismic risk is the probability that a subject site will be adversely affected by any seismic hazard, such as an earthquake. Seismic risk tends to increase in areas that are more earthquake-prone and vulnerable to damage. And vulnerability refers to the potential impact on people, as well as properties. For instance, places…

Translational Slide Definition

Translational Slide Definition

Translational Slide Landslide Translational Slide: In the seismology branch of geology, a translational slide is a type of landslide movement that occurs predominantly along a planar surface. Alternatively, this movement can occur along gently undulating surfaces. For instance, the Palona Schist metamorphic bedrock on the eastern embankment of the former St. Francis Dam comprises an…



Tsunami Tsunami: In the seismology branch of geology, a tsunami is an oceanic wave (gravitational) that is produced by seismic activity on the ocean floor. Common triggers of tsunamis are large-scale short­ duration earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or other submarine earth movements such as subsidence and slope failure.