Seismic Moment
Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
Regional Metamorphism Regional Metamorphism: Metamorphism acts over large areas resulting from applied pressures of 3,000 to 10,000 bars and temperatures of 400°C to 800°C. Regional metamorphism is also referred to as dynamothermal metamorphism.
Settlement Definition In the field of geology, The term settlement means a gradual downward movement of the ground surface. This is generally due to soil compression at on a larger scale, atdepths that are below the ground surface.
Milliequivalent per liter Milliequivalent per liter (meq/L): A unit used to express the chemical equivalence of the concentration of solutes in a solution. It is calculated by dividing the concentration of a substance (in mg/L) by its equivalent weight. This measurement helps in understanding the reactive capacity of ions in the solution.
Focus (Hypocenter) Focus (Hypocenter): In the seismology branch of geology, a focus, or hypocenter, refers to the specific place where an earthquake rupture originates. The focus, or hypocenter, underlies the epicenter when an earthquake occurs at a dip-slip fault, strike-slip fault, oblique-slip fault, or listric fault. In the event of an earthquake, geologists, and seismologists…
Biogenic Gas Biogenic Gas: In geology, biogenic gas refers to natural gas that is the byproduct of the microbial decomposition of biological and organic matter. For instance, methane soil gas on Earth is typically a biogenic gas resulting from the decomposition of organic soil zones, landfills, marshes, and swamplands. Alternatively, natural gas can be petrogenic…
Water Table Water Table: In the hydrogeology branch of geology, the water table represents the surface of an unconfined groundwater aquifer, where the hydraulic pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure. Additionally, a water table is present in a perched groundwater zone. Although, there is no water table in a confined aquifer.