Seismic Moment
Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
Lumber Moisture Content Grade Lumber moisture grading is a manufacturer-provided value of moisture content, for consumers and contractors to use. There are five (5) lumber moisture content designations (S-GRN, S-DRY, KD, MC 15, and HT). Lumber Moisture Grading Lumber grade “S-GRN” stands for “surface green,” which means it is not dry, and has a moisture…
Feldspars Feldspars: In the field of geology, and the branch of mineralogy, feldspars are a mineral group, that is the most common amongst the earth’s crust. In fact, there are two types of feldspars: plagioclase feldspar and orthoclase feldspar.
Potentiometric Surface The term “Potentiometric Surface” means the hydrogeological surface that represents the total hydraulic head of groundwater from a confined aquifer or semi-confined aquifer that’s under pressure. The Potentiometric Surface of an aquifer is defined by the level to which water will rise in a groundwater monitoring well (that’s exclusively screened within said aquifer).
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs): Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) are highly toxic human-engineered chlorinated hydrocarbons that have been used around the world as enhancers to hydraulic oil and electrical insulators. PCBs were applied for maintaining low flammability rates, high boiling points, and stronger chemical stability. As of 1979, PCBs have been banned from use in…
Dilatancy “Dilatancy” is the increase in the bulk volume of a soil substance during deformation. Dilatancy is caused by the change from a close-pack structure to an open-pack structure.
Mechanical Extraction System Mechanical Extraction System: Per the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, a Mechanical Extraction System is one of the Active Methane Mitigation criteria for methane mitigation systems in buffer zones and methane zones. A mechanical extraction system uses machines that remove methane gas from below…