Triggered Creep
In the field of geology, the term “Triggered Creep” refers to a type of creeping landslide, usually along a fault line, that is triggered by a source of seismic activity.
In the field of geology, the term “Triggered Creep” refers to a type of creeping landslide, usually along a fault line, that is triggered by a source of seismic activity.
Tsunami Tsunami: In the seismology branch of geology, a tsunami is an oceanic wave (gravitational) that is produced by seismic activity on the ocean floor. Common triggers of tsunamis are large-scale short duration earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or other submarine earth movements such as subsidence and slope failure.
Time Stratigraphic Unit Definition A Time Stratigraphic Unit, or a Chronostratigraphic Unit, is a rock unit that is characterized by geological formations, during a specific period of time. This serves as a reference for all rocks formed during the same time period.
Soil Creep Definition Soil Creep is a type of landslide that entails the slow and gradual movement of a soil mass (or even some loose rock) materials.
Potentiometric Surface The term “Potentiometric Surface” means the hydrogeological surface that represents the total hydraulic head of groundwater from a confined aquifer or semi-confined aquifer that’s under pressure. The Potentiometric Surface of an aquifer is defined by the level to which water will rise in a groundwater monitoring well (that’s exclusively screened within said aquifer).
Oblique-Slip Fault Oblique-Slip Fault: In geology, an oblique-slip fault is a fault that moves parallel to the strike or dip of the fault plane.
Dip-Slip Fault Dip-Slip Fault: In geology, a dip-slip fault is any fault in which the earth’s movement is parallel with the dip of the fault plane. For example, a normal fault, reverse fault, or listric fault. The opposite of a dip-slip fault is a strike-slip fault.