“Consolidation” in geology refers to the gradual or slow reduction in the volume of a soil sample (representing a larger soil mass), and the increase in density in response to an applied increasing load, or compressive stress.
“Consolidation” in geology refers to the gradual or slow reduction in the volume of a soil sample (representing a larger soil mass), and the increase in density in response to an applied increasing load, or compressive stress.
Moment Magnitude (M) Moment Magnitude (M): In the seismology branch of geology, moment magnitude is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate by using the Seismic Moment.
Biogenic Gas Biogenic Gas: In geology, biogenic gas refers to natural gas that is the byproduct of the microbial decomposition of biological and organic matter. For instance, methane soil gas on Earth is typically a biogenic gas resulting from the decomposition of organic soil zones, landfills, marshes, and swamplands. Alternatively, natural gas can be petrogenic…
Normal Fault Normal Fault: In the field of geology, a normal fault is a type of dip-slip fault where the hanging wall moves downwards from the footwall. The average dipping angle of a normal fault ranges from 45 to 90 degrees. Normal faults are the opposite of reverse faults. Detachment Fault Detachment Fault: A detachment…
Sand Boil A “Sand Boil” is a cone-shaped deposit of sand that is formed during an earthquake. A Sand Boil occurs when subsurface sand layers liquefy and are then blown to the surface through cracks.
Extrusive Rocks Extrusive Rocks: In the volcanology branch of geology extrusive rocks are igneous rocks that have been erupted onto the Earth’s surface, before forming and crystallizing. On the other hand, intrusive rocks form and crystallize under the Earth’s ground surface. Extrusive rocks are typically microcrystalline and aphanitic, because of the faster rate of cooling…
Retaining Wall Retaining Wall: A structure that provides the support needed to hold (in place) a mass of earth, preventing it from moving downhill. Retaining walls are relatively rigid structures comprising footings and a drainage system, in order to retain the soils between two different elevations. Updated May 25, 2020. Construction & Design A lot…