Leaking Underground Storage Tank LUST - Photo by AAK Geo Forward

Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST)

Leaking Underground Storage Tank (UST) Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST): A leaking underground storage tank (LUST) is a known case of hazardous liquid materials released into the environment, from within an underground storage tank (UST) source. The term “LUST” commonly applies to gasoline station soil contamination cases overseen by environmental regulatory agencies. Also See: Underground…

Underground Storage Tank Abandonment & Removal Process - Geo Forward

What is the Underground Storage Tank Abandonment Process

Understanding the Underground Storage Tank Abandonment Process The underground storage tank abandonment process is a complex series of construction and demolition tasks that require intensive environmental regulation and oversight. An underground storage tank, or “UST,” is a large vessel, usually comprising steel or fiberglass, that serves to hold large volumes of liquid. These tanks typically…

AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation
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AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation

AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 & Contaminated Soil Excavation Permit An AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 is the Air Quality Management District’s regulatory oversight procedure that applies to contaminated soil excavation projects in Southern California. The primary objective is to monitor contamination plumes in the air and soil, during soil removal and remediation efforts. In order…