Leaking Underground Storage Tank LUST - Photo by AAK Geo Forward

Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST)

Leaking Underground Storage Tank (UST) Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST): A leaking underground storage tank (LUST) is a known case of hazardous liquid materials released into the environment, from within an underground storage tank (UST) source. The term “LUST” commonly applies to gasoline station soil contamination cases overseen by environmental regulatory agencies. Also See: Underground…

Disposing Hazardous Waste & Household Waste Geo Forward 2
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Disposing Hazardous Waste & Household Waste

Disposing of Hazardous Waste & Household Waste It is common knowledge that certain items, like batteries, for example, should not be disposed of in the trash for general waste pick-up. And depending on where you live, it might be illegal to dispose of such items in this way. Fortunately, no matter where you live, every…

Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) Ambient Air Data
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Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA)

Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) A Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) evaluates the potential dangers to people where there may be some exposure to chemical contaminants in soil, groundwater, ambient air, or soil gas. Typically, the recommendation for an HHRA stems from the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment process. However, the awareness for indoor air…

What is a Remedial Action Plan?
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What is a Remedial Action Plan?

Remedial Action Plan A Remedial Action Plan, or Remediation Plan is a guideline that proposes a series of engineering and geological procedures, in order to feasibly perform contamination cleanup actions over a strategic period of time. When pollution exists on a property, at levels requiring cleanup, it is important to design the most appropriate course…

Underground Storage Tank Abandonment & Removal Process - Geo Forward

What is the Underground Storage Tank Abandonment Process

Understanding the Underground Storage Tank Abandonment Process The underground storage tank abandonment process is a complex series of construction and demolition tasks that require intensive environmental regulation and oversight. An underground storage tank, or “UST,” is a large vessel, usually comprising steel or fiberglass, that serves to hold large volumes of liquid. These tanks typically…

Remediation after Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
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Remediation after Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment

Remediation after Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Contamination Remediation refers to the process of cleaning up a property with contamination issues that are usually discovered during the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Phase 2 Subsurface Investigation process. Today, there are a variety of remediation methods and technologies to apply at a site. And…

PCBs Contamination in Killer Whales and Orca Pollution - Photo by MJS Geo Forward

PCBs Contamination in Killer Whales and Orca Pollution

PCBs Contamination in Killer Whales and Orca Pollution PCBs contamination in killer whales and orca pollution is an increasing concern in the environmental science community. Recent studies indicate hazardous levels of industrial chemicals exist in the bodies of orcas and other marine mammals, worldwide. In fact, toxicologists now hypothesize that rising concentrations of carcinogens like…

Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers
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Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers

Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers are comparative concentrations of chemicals in soil or soil-gas, which represent a threshold for human health concern. In a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment, these numbers are tools to compare directly with the contaminant detection on site. As a result, a practical risk assessment…

Boyle Dayton Los Angeles UST Valve Manhole Lid

Boyle Dayton Los Angeles

Boyle Dayton Los Angeles The Boyle Dayton Los Angeles Company was a reputable manufacturer and seller of fueling pumps and standalone underground tanks, for automobiles in the early 1900s. Unlike modern gasoline service stations, the Boyle Dayton Company was a specialty manufacturer of curbside fuel station accessories. Curbside fueling stations were common in America before…

Los Angeles County Well Permit and Drilling Permit

Los Angeles County Well Permit and Drilling Permit

Los Angeles County Well Permit & Drilling Permit Per the Department of Public Health Drinking Water Program, a “Los Angeles County Well Permit and Drilling Permit” is mandatory for most environmental, geotechnical and hydro-geological projects in LA County. As of August 2018, LA County enforces stricter well permit guidelines. And the new standards require oversight for…

AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation
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AQMD Rule 1166 Contaminated Soil Excavation

AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 & Contaminated Soil Excavation Permit An AQMD Permit for Rule 1166 is the Air Quality Management District’s regulatory oversight procedure that applies to contaminated soil excavation projects in Southern California. The primary objective is to monitor contamination plumes in the air and soil, during soil removal and remediation efforts. In order…

Dry Cleaner Soil Testing by Drilling

Dry Cleaner Soil Testing

Dry Cleaner Soil Testing Dry cleaner soil testing is an environmental engineering and geology service that aims to determine the presence of chemical contamination to the subsurface, resulting from dry cleaning operations. The primary contaminant of concern during dry cleaner soil testing is tetrachloroethylene (PCE), as well as its break-down products. PCE is a manufactured volatile…

What is a Brownfield Site and Brownfields?

What is a Brownfield Site and Brownfields?

What is a Brownfield Site (Brownfields)? A Brownfield site is real property with plans for redevelopment, that has the potential presence of pollution and subsurface hazardous substance contamination. And the Brownfields Revitalization and Environmental Restoration Act of 2001 (also known as the Brownfields Act) encourages environmental remediation when and where necessary. The act is a…

What is a Phase II ESA in Real Estate Due Diligence?
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What is a Phase II ESA in Real Estate Due Diligence?

What is a Phase II ESA in Real Estate Due Diligence? The term “Phase II ESA” is short for Phase II Subsurface Investigation. It is an environmental due diligence report that typically follows the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment process when recognized environmental conditions are apparent. During the commercial real estate due diligence period, this…