What to Know Before Methane Testing Los Angeles Photo By Geo Forward
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10 Things to Know Before Methane Testing in Los Angeles

What to Know Before a Los Angeles Methane Testing Report This post provides readers with 10 important things to consider before ordering a Los Angeles methane testing report. For more information about what methane testing is, please refer to Geo Forward’s “Official Methane Testing and Soil Gas Survey Page.” Updated August 7, 2024. 1) Confirm…

Methane Soil Gas

Methane Soil Gas

Methane Soil Gas Methane Soil Gas: In geology, methane soil gas refers to the confinement of CH4 within the interstitial pore spaces of subsurface soils. On Earth and potentially on Mars, methane derives from subsurface pockets of biogenic and petrogenic natural gas. To illustrate, accumulations of buried organic matter decay via microbial or thermal degradation….

Hydrogen Sulfide Soil Gas

Hydrogen Sulfide Soil Gas

Hydrogen Sulfide Soil Gas (In Natural Gas) Hydrogen Sulfide: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) soil gas geologically occurs upon the thermal and microbial decomposition of subsurface organic material deposits. It is typically identifiable in biogenic and petrogenic natural gas sources, along with higher concentrations of methane soil gas. Additionally, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, ethane, and isobutane exist within natural…

City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards - Geo Forward
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City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards

City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards The City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards and Plans are a basic tool to help designers prepare a methane mitigation plan for small projects within Methane Zones. However, the standard plans alone aren’t enough to pass for a proper mitigation plan. For example, the standards lack material…

What to Know about Methane Mitigation Construction

What to Know about Methane Mitigation Construction

10 Things to Know Before Methane Barrier Installation Methane barrier installation is part of the overall methane mitigation construction process. Methane barrier construction in Los Angeles requires the use of specific materials with LADBS approval. Additionally, the applicator must have the proper certifications from the local building department and impervious vapor membrane manufacturers. In fact,…

Methane Mitigation System Plan Geo Forward
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What is the Methane Mitigation Process?

What is the Methane Mitigation Process? The methane mitigation process entails eliminating the risk of an explosive event at a building, as a result of hazardous soil vapor intrusion. Vapor intrusion is the natural process by which underground gasses migrate upwards and into buildings. So in the case of structures built atop contaminated soils, the…

Re-Do Methane Testing: Can You Retest Methane Test of Soil?
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Re-Do Methane Testing: Can You Retest Methane Test of Soil?

Can You Retest a Methane Test of Soil? Is it worthwhile to get a retest methane test of soil: Generally Not. Sometimes a methane test will show high results of the hazardous soil gas on a property. And developers will try a retest methane test to get “favorable results.” Regardless, there is a general legal…