How Long is a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment Good For?

How Long is a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment Good For?

How Long is a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment Good For? A Phase 1 Environmental Assessment is good for one year in most cases. However, expiration also depends on the purpose of the report, and events that take place on the property. For instance, changing industry standards, new environmental conditions, and the CERCLA statutes of limitations…

What is the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process?
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What is the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process?

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment process comprises a rigorous review of a property’s history, along with a physical inspection of the current conditions. And the end result is a lengthy report that follows regulation standards. For the convenience of Clients, environmental consultants usually provide executive summaries at the…

What is the Methane Mitigation Process?
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What is the Methane Mitigation Process?

What is the Methane Mitigation Process? The methane mitigation process entails eliminating the risk of an explosive event at a building, as a result of hazardous soil vapor intrusion. Vapor intrusion is the natural process by which underground gasses migrate upwards and into buildings. So in the case of structures built atop contaminated soils, the…

Attire of a Geologist – Things that Geologists Wear and Use

Attire of a Geologist – Things that Geologists Wear and Use

The Attire of a Geologist: Things that Geologists Wear and Use The attire and tools of a geologist vary depending on their sector of work and responsibilities. However, most geologists need specialized gear, technology, and equipment to execute their tasks. This article aims to discuss the attire and tools that geologists wear and use. Updated…

Women in Geology

Women in Geology

Women in Geology Women in geology have been making astounding contributions to the scientific community since the 1700s. From environmental engineering to mining, petroleum, and water exploration, female geologists are increasing in numbers, and are valuable assets to these industries. The planet Earth and it’s geological formations show no preference or priority of gender. Consequently,…

John Muir Biography – Father of National Parks & Geology

John Muir Biography – Father of National Parks & Geology

John Muir Biography The Father of National Parks & Geology John Muir was a Scottish-American writer, lecturer, and an early influencer for nature, geology, wildlife, and more. He’s also known as an honorary public figure for advocating the conservation of wildlife from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s. To many, he was a self-mastered glaciologist,…

How Much Does an LADBS Methane Soil Test Cost?
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How Much Does an LADBS Methane Soil Test Cost?

LADBS Methane Soil Test Cost & Price An LADBS Methane Soil Test varies depending on property conditions and development plans. A methane test price ranges between $2,300 and $7,000. Updated January 17, 2024. Site-Specific Scope of Work Site-specific details and plans can change the scope of work and LADBS Methane Soil Test cost. Thus, a…

PCBs Contamination in Killer Whales and Orca Pollution

PCBs Contamination in Killer Whales and Orca Pollution

PCBs Contamination in Killer Whales and Orca Pollution PCBs contamination in killer whales and orca pollution is an increasing concern in the environmental science community. Recent studies indicate hazardous levels of industrial chemicals exist in the bodies of orcas and other marine mammals, worldwide. In fact, toxicologists now hypothesize that rising concentrations of carcinogens like…

Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers
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Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers

Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Phase 2 Environmental Screening Level Numbers are comparative concentrations of chemicals in soil or soil-gas, which represent a threshold for human health concern. In a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment, these numbers are tools to compare directly with the contaminant detection on site. As a result, a practical risk assessment…

What is Landfill Methane Gas Testing?
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What is Landfill Methane Gas Testing?

Landfill Methane Gas Testing Landfill methane gas testing is the process by which professional geologists and engineers determine the concentration of landfill gas between soil grains underground. Usually, this is a requirement by environmental regulatory agencies and building departments for the protection of public health. In fact, quarterly landfill gas testing is a common regulation…

Environmental Professional Definition
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Environmental Professional Definition

Environmental Professional Definition Environmental Professional: As per the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiries Rule, an environmental professional is an environmental consultant that has an accredited education in earth or natural science, at least five years of formal training under another environmental professional, a professional state license, and maintains expert knowledge in the environmental geology, sustainability, and…

All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI)
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All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI)

All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) The term “All Appropriate Inquiries” (AAI) is defined as the official EPA and ASTM method to inquire about current or historical environmental conditions that may exist on a property, in relation to their legal and environmental liabilities during a commercial real estate transaction. The All Appropriate Inquiries “Final Rule” is 40 CFR…

Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC)
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Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC)

Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC) The term Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC) refers to a past release that doesn’t pose a present land-use restriction, nor does it warrant recommendations for clean-up. The HREC is one of the various conditions of a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment. The definition derives from publications by the American Society…

Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) Definition
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Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) Definition

Definition of Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) What is a Recognized Environmental Condition (REC)? A simplified definition of a recognized environmental condition (REC) is any occurrence whereby: 1). actual pollution of the environment is occurring; 2). the threat of pollution of the environment occurs; or 3). there is a preponderance of evidence suggesting possible pollution of…

Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition (CREC)
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Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition (CREC)

Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition (CREC) CREC stands for Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition. This terminology derives from a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and represents one of the few categories of environmental concerns. A CREC is a release that has potentially achieved corrective action, but where contaminants still may remain, and where engineering controls or activity use…